Using Exhibeo with Backdraft

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Exhibeo is a very easy to use web gallery generator created by the folks at Softpress, which makes it easy to create responsive-friendly galleries for Freeway. While most of the themes are responsive-friendly from the get-go, a few need a helping hand.

Focus {#focus}

  1. Export the gallery from Exhibeo for Freeway.
  2. Double-click inside the element that you want the gallery thumbnail to appear in.
  3. In the top-bar, choose Insert > Action Item > Exhibeo Import.
  4. Open the actions palette and choose the Exhibeo export file.
  5. Resize the action item to barely fit the thumbnail preview.

Bloxx {#bloxx}

Simply follow the steps for the "Focus" theme.


  1. Begin by following steps 1-4 of the "Focus" theme.
  2. Using the item handles, resize the action item to the full width of it's parent element and it's height to fit the preview.
  3. Control-click on the action element, and chose "Extended". In the resulting dialog, switch to the <div style> tab.
  4. Add this entry:


Slide, Showtime, and Thumblie

  1. Follow the steps for the "Impress" theme
  2. In the extended dialog, add this as another entry:

  3. Save, publish, and test!